How to become an Agent

To become a registered patent and trade mark agent, you must submit:

  1. Company credentials (such as a company management licence), or individual credentials (proof of your qualification or experience)
  2. For individuals, proof of Caymanian status; your trade and business licence; and indemnity insurance coverage are also required.
  3. The specific name in which the registration, if granted, should be issued
  4. Previous company name(s) under which patents and trade marks were registered, if applicable
  5. Current company name that has patents and trade marks registered, if applicable
  6. Your email address (annual fee billings will be sent automatically to this address)
  7. A nonrefundable CI$200.00 application fee

Documents can be delivered in person, or mailed.

In Person: C/o Mr. Donnell H. Dixon, Deputy Registrar
General Registry Department,
Ground Floor, Government Administration Building
133 Elgin Avenue
By Mail: C/o Mr. Donnell H. Dixon, Deputy Registrar
P.O. Box 123
Grand Cayman KY1-9000
Cayman Islands
Office Hours: Mon-Fri. 8:30am – 5:00pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Submit Application Form TM23 – Application to be licensed by Registrar as a registered agent to